If you're a resident of Park City, CO then you already know that we are the most charming little town in all of Colorado! Some people call us a ghost town because Park City has dwindled in size over the years, but there are still plenty of events taking place in our quaint little town! This newspaper is devoted to keeping a running record of the events happening in Park City, and also in keeping our own citizens informed about current events worldwide, or at least those events that would be of interest to the citizens of Park City!

Park City was originally built as a stopping area for stage coaches. As the railroads started popping up all over the country, there was less of a need for Park City, and our population started dwindling. When people moved out of Park City, animals started moving in. One of the stories in today's issue is about the increase in cougar sightings we've been experiencing here at Park City.

There's still new blood filling the ranks at Park City. Another interesting article in today's issue is about the recent graduation at Park City HS. There is another Park City HS in the US, but it is in the state of Utah; ugh! If you try googling Park City HS, you'll get hits on the one in Utah, because nobody likes to dispel the idea that we are a ghost town. A lot of our visitors come to Park City because they heard we actually have ghosts!

Naturally we do have another article today about camping in Park City! Tourists who come here don't even try to book a motel! All of our visitors really do expect us to be a ghost town, so they come here to "rough it". To make sure our visitors remain safe in Park City, we have ongoing articles with camping tips, attractions to see, etc.

The cyan colored columns on both sides of this web page contain links to all of the articles in this issue. The column on the left is for stories and local news. The column on the right also has some local news, but it also has links to weather, sports, personals, etc. We are a full fledged newspaper despite the tiny population of Park City. Enjoy your stay at our paper!